Eligibility candidates for IRPO
- The application must be submitted by a Belgian Institute
- The candidate must be supported by two promotors out of which one must be appointed in a Belgian Institute.
- The candidate can immerge from any discipline involved in research in ophthalmology. including research in the development of devices to evaluate visual function.
- An applicant cannot take the function of promotor in another project.
- The applicant must be younger than 38 years at the deadline of submission.
- The applicant is not yet recognized PhD or did not yet introduce the PhD draft at the University Faculty.
- The host institution, if applicable, must not necessarily be Belgian.
- The applicant should submit his/her curriculum vitae specifying the degree of education, the publications, posters and oral presentations at national/international meetings.
- The curriculum vitae is mandatory to confirm the eligibility of the applicant.
- The FRO grant can be considered for:
- applicant’s salary
- purchase of specific equipment, consumables
- travelling costs for specific training in relation to the project
The specific needs should be motivated.
The total amount should not exceed 30 000€. Equipment cost should be justified by means of a quotation of the manufacturer/distributor. -
- The role of both the supporting Institution and the host Institution should be clearly stated.
- The application will not be considered for the first-round evaluation if not complete.